Coupon Lingo

If you are new to couponing you may be overwhelmed by the use of abbreviations that are used on my website as well as most other coupon blogs. During this series I hope to help alleviate some of this confusion and help you to be able to navigate easily around the online coupon world.

Here are some of the most popular abbreviations when we are talking about where to find coupons:

$1/2 = Means $1 off of 2 products
B1G1= Buy one get one free
BOGO= Buy one get one free
5/23 Smart Source = This coupon came from the May 23rd newspaper in the Smart Source insert
SS= Smart Source coupon insert
RP = Red Plum coupon insert
P&G = Proctor and Gamble coupon insert
Peelie = A sticker that was on the front of a product that is a coupon
Blinkies = Grocery/drugstore coupon dispensers with blinking lights
Catalina = This is from the machine at the checkout that prints off coupons at the end of your order
IP = Internet Printable coupon
Mfr = Manufacturer coupon
CRT = Cash register tape, usually used when referring to CVS coupons that print with receipt
IVC = Instant Value Coupon, Walgreens' store coupons found in ads and monthly booklet
MIR = Mail-in rebate
Tearpad = Pad of coupons attached to a display, shelf, or refrigerator door.

Some other good to know abbreviations:

ECB’s = Extra Care Bucks, valid only at CVS
WYB = Means, when you buy.
OOP = Out of pocket
FAR = Free after rebate
MIR = Mail in Rebate

With the knowledge of these abbreviations you should be able to navigate around any coupon site and know the ‘lingo’. Stayed tuned for more in this series next week.